Dear HRSFANS, The board has officially adopted an anti-harassment policy, which can be found here (and under the “Legal and policy documents” page of our website). If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the board.
I would like to announce that we have invited three new board members to join the HRSFANS board! Audrey Bennett is joining the board to fill our currently vacant seat. Ian Storey will be joining the board in November, when Kathy Zhang’s term ends. And Betsy Isaacson will be joining in January, to fill the
Friday Alumni Central 4pm-10pm Ticknor Lounge; HRSFA History Scavenger Hunt begins Gather one, gather all, into the Ticknor Lounge! Sign in to the reunion, drift around, meet alumni you knew or never knew. Tell stories of HRSFA-way-back-when or HRSFA-last-year. This is a great time to begin the HRSFA History Scavenger Hunt. Should you choose to
We are excited to announce that you should Save The Date for: THE SECOND QUADRENNIAL BIG HRSFA REUNION! This will be held on March 15-18, 2012, coincident with the HRSFA undergraduate SF convention, Vericon XII. Our “blue-ribbon” committee of “people who like to volunteer for things”* is busily working out the details of lodging, food,
By the way, if you’d ever like to post something here, but you don’t want to get your own posting account, email your post to me and I’ll put it up. If you’d like to post often enough that this sounds like a hassle, email Emily and she’ll set you up with an account of
[The following email was sent on November 4th. The webmaster apologizes for forgetting to post it to the blog until just now. You have one week left to vote.] The HRSFAns constitution calls for an election “The Election Chair shall announce a date and time for counting ballots in November, and shall distribute ballots to
“In the month of November of the third year of service of the standing Executive Committee, the Board shall conduct a general election for the three officers of the next Executive Committee.” HRSFANS has been around for three years now. We’ve had a reunion, raised an endowment, started SIGs, created ways for HRSFA to connect
HRSFANS has decided on an official motto: “Misce stultitiam consiliis brevem” (“Mingle a little folly with your wisdom” from Horace’s Odes) Thank you to everyone who participated in selecting the motto, and particularly to Alexa F. and Kartik V. for suggesting the winning motto!
HRSFANS is starting a blog! This blog was jointly inspired by the HRSFANS Index to the Awesome on the Internet and Boing Boing. The idea is to post links and short discussions of things that we like, with the goal of sharing these things both within HRSFANS and with the fan community at large. You