Fundraising: The Fine Print

Privacy policy

– Specific dollar amounts of donations will not be disclosed outside of the HRSFANS board without your permission.  In cases where public titles, recognition, or rewards are offered for varying levels of donation, you may opt out of being recognized by sending an e-mail to; otherwise, such recognition may implicitly reveal information about your level of donation.
– Your name will be made public as a donor to HRSFANS, unless you specifically request to be anonymous by sending an e-mail to  This may include your name being listed in emails to other HRSFANS members, being posted on the web, or other public recognition.
– Your name, donation amount, and any other information provided will be made available to members of the HRSFANS board and future boards. It may also be made available to members of past boards in order to answer questions regarding past donations.
– Aside from name, Harvard degree and year, and city/state, your personal information (such as mailing address, email address, or phone number) will not be disclosed outside of the current, future, or past HRSFANS boards without your permission.

Use of HRSFANS Funds and Endowment Funds

The HRSFA Endowment is a separate financial entity from HRSFANS, and HRSFANS has no control over how it is spent.  It is controlled by the undergraduate organization, without interference from HRSFANS, to be spent as they see fit.  While HRSFANS may make suggestions to HRSFA, the expenditure of the endowment distribution is ultimately their decision to make.

The HRSFANS Treasury may be used at the board’s discretion.  Uses that have been approved, discussed, or planned include: support for the undergraduate organization, HRSFA; support for HRSFANS-related local
organizations and gatherings; support for HRSFANS reunions; paying any HRSFANS debts; maintenance of the HRSFANS bank account; sponsoring HRSFANS-related internships; and offering assistance to HRSFANS SIGs.  Other uses may be added to this list in the future. Donations cannot be earmarked for specific purposes unless HRSFANS holds a drive for a specific purpose, in which case all funds raised will be used for that purpose. Funds that are raised beyond what is necessary to achieve a drive’s specific goal will be used to further that goal if possible; if not, the Treasurer may contact donors to ask permission to deposit the excess in the general HRSFANS treasury.

HRSFANS expenditures in excess of $1000 require written approval from a majority of the voting board, or unanimous verbal approval from the Executive Committee in emergencies.  Expenditures in excess of $500 require written approval from the President (with consultation of the Treasurer to ensure sufficient funds) and notification of the board.  Expenditures of up to $100 require verbal approval from any board member.  All expenditures require written notification to board at within three days.  If HRSFANS funds dip below $100, as determined by the Treasurer, all expenditures shall require written approval of the President.

All HRSFANS expenditures are recorded in the Google Doc “HRSFANS Expenditures/Income.”  A copy of this Google Doc, with donation amounts summarized and anonymized into yearly totals, is available to any HRSFANS member on request.