Calciate the Vote!
[The following email was sent on November 4th. The webmaster apologizes for forgetting to post it to the blog until just now. You have one week left to vote.]
The HRSFAns constitution calls for an election “The Election Chair
shall announce a date and time for counting ballots in November, and
shall distribute ballots to all dues-paying members of HRSFA, no fewer
than four weeks before the election.”
Well I am announcing an election with ballots due by Friday December
3, 29 days from now.
Send your ballots to
Remember your candidates are:
– Thomas Lotze ‘01
– Elisabeth Cohen ‘06
– Emily Morgan ‘07
It’s a turning point election for HRSFAns really, and I fear we are in
for a campaign season of mud-slinging, extremist base-mobilizing, and
last minute bribery. At least I’m hoping so.
Reminder: Only the votes of dues paying members shall count for this
election. In this case, “dues paying” just means:
1) Fill out our survey:
This is the required portion of renewing your membership! It only
takes five to ten minutes, but it’s very valuable, as it lets us know
how you feel about what HRSFANS is and could be doing.
2) Pay ~~OPTIONAL~~ membership dues.
Suggested dues are:
$23 standard dues (for the Illuminati)
$11 for recent graduates (in the last two years), or other who need a
reduced rate (for Bilbo)
$42 for those who can afford it (for Douglas Adams)
Remember, if no one votes, then we have to have a 4 hour election
meeting at the winter party.
Tony Vila
Michael VonKorff
Election Co-Chairs